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Re: coding style, continuing education

On 17 Jan 2001, Michael Matz said:
> Even more entertaining is reload.c:push_reload. It has two expressions (in
> if's), 62 and 50 lines long, intersparsed with #ifdef's, so it not even
> fits on one editor page. They have comments in front of them, but it isn't
> exactly easy to at least verify, if these expressions actually do, what
> the comments explain ;-)

My current favourite is in combine.c:can_combine_p(); 60 lines long,
with a thoroughly misleading comment above it (is that what the entire
conditional does? no, it's what the first clause does), and with a `#if
0' in it as well. At least the body is simple, and it's commented...

`Anyhow, that pipe dream doesn't say anything about the question you
 asked.  (I am planning for a career in politics.)' --- Mark Mitchell
                                                      on the GCC list

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