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Re: Why not gnat Ada in gcc?

  In message <>you write:
  > <<Instead of believing, or guessing, why not measure.  We have a
  > database of runs.  Tell us what the numbers are.  I know what I am
  > used to.  I am used to the numbers being fairly stable.  My biggest
  > >>
  > Presumably only Cygnus/Redhat can measure this, since only they have
  > the internal test suite that would give the data. 
Err, there is a fairly large (and constantly growing) regression testsuite
for gcc, g++ and a small (but growing) regression testsuite for g77 & objc
available to the public.  In fact, it's been available for years and
integrating it with the source tree has proven quite valuable.

Yes, it's true stuff like Plumhall and Perennial are not publicly available
and they provide better coverage than the regression testsuites.  But you can
get a pretty good "sniff test" by running the public testsuites.


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