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Pathalogical divides

Consider the following program on x86:

int rem (int a, int b) { return a % b; }

main ()
  printf ("%d\n", rem (0x80000000, -1));;

When run, rather than producing zero, as expected, it gets a SIGFPE.
This is because the division of the largest negative integer by negative one
results in an overflow.

So the first question is whether this is valid C behavior.

Next, compile the above with -O3 on an x86 and notice that GCC gets a
SIGFPE when constant-folding.

Finally, consider:

foo (int a, int b)
  return (a - ((a == 0x80000000 && b == -1) ? 0 : a % b)) / b;

This program when passed "normal" arguments does not get an overflow.
But GCC pulls the conditional out of the subtraction and division and
causes the compiler to run into the SIGFPE above.

I think the compiler crash needs to be fixed.  We can do it either by
protecting the integer part of simplify_binary_operation against SIGFPE
just like the FP or explicitly testing for this case just like we
check for divide by zero.

Any thoughts about whether we need a run-time test for this case
in the "%" operator?

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