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Intent to remove old VMS wart

I intend to remove this chunk of code from cpplib:

#ifdef VMS
  else if (token == CPP_NAME)
      /* Support '#include xyz' like VAX-C.  It is taken as
         '#include <xyz.h>' and generates a warning.  */
      cpp_warning (pfile, "#%s filename is obsolete, use #%s <filename.h>",
		   name, name);

      /* Rewrite the token to <xyz.h>.  */
      CPP_RESERVE (pfile, 4);
      len += 4;
      memmove (pfile->token_buffer + old_written + 1,
	       pfile->token_buffer + old_written,
	       CPP_WRITTEN (pfile) - old_written);
      pfile->token_buffer[old_written] = '<';
      CPP_PUTS_Q (pfile, ".h>", 2);

I'm doing this for three reasons: (1) to the best of my knowledge,
DEC's current VMS C compilers do not include this misfeature; (2) it
clashes, badly, with the new tokenizing lexer; (3) VMS support is
nonfunctional anyway.

If we actually have users who rely on this feature, speak up now - and
please put some time into finding out just how broken VMS support is
in other ways!  I'm certain this is the merest tip of the iceberg.


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