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    That's not necessarily so -- even if it happens in most of the places
    you looked.

Actually, it's in all except for one or two and I think those should
have it too (I *know* that one not having it is a bug).

    There are two different concepts here: making a related version (i.e.,
    smaller or larger view) of an existing MEM, and making a new MEM that
    happens to share some properties of an existing MEM (i.e., say,
    allocating stack space to store a temporary version of a global
    variable, or duplicating a local variable during loop-unrolling.)

What does "some" mean?  That's the key point as I see it.  Right now,
we've picked a peculiar subset of the properties.  I can't see why
volatility is a property that would be useful to copy in cases when
readonly isn't.  Why make that distinction?

Note also that I think it is safe to always copy MEM_ALIAS_SET because
that alis can always safely be used to reference a component: it's just
that in some cases you might be able to find a *better* alias set for
that component.

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