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Re: expand_expr sign extension problem.

>>>>> "grahams" == grahams  <> writes:

    grahams> I think using autoconf would be overkill unless there is
    grahams> already a autoconf test available.

Perhaps.  But, that's precisely the kind of thing autoconf is good
at.  Plus, I bet other packages could make use of the test; GCC can't
be the only place that gets burned by this.

    grahams> Wouldn't it just be simpler just to include something
    grahams> like perhaps in system.h

    grahams> 	#ifndef __GNUC__ #define INT_ONLY_FIELDS #endif

    grahams> By do it this way we can eliminate the need for port to
    grahams> be concerned with this nuisance.

Yes, that would be simpler and would pretty much work.

    grahams> I've just thought of a good reason why stages 2 & 3 might
    grahams> need to be built with INT_ONLY_FIELDS defined. What if
    grahams> the host debugger can't handle enumerated bit fields!

I'm not too worried about that -- we haven't heard much of that
happenning yet.

Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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