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Re: Converting the gcc backend to a library?

Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Martin Dalecki wrote:
> > > > Yes, I do understand that. But my point is that in today's
> > > > single-user workstation environment, how many processes that actually
> > > > would use the GCC shared library would actually be simultaneously
> > > > running in practice?  I still believe that number is very small and
> > > > only rarely over one.
> >
> > make -j would start making sense even on single processor system.
> It already makes sense if you've enough memory and more than no I/O.

root:~# size /lib/ 
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
 883468   13004   14620  911092   de6f4 /lib/

root:~# size /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.95.2/cc1
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
1775633   18920   86884 1881437  1cb55d

make -j would start making more sense even on single processor systems.
(If mixing C and C++ code).

> The shared library doesn't make any difference -- multiple instances of
> GCC already share pages.  It's when you've got GCC statically linked
> into different executables that sharing breaks, because of the different
> offsets in the executables, so that's when you'd find a shared library
> interesting.
> -- Jamie

	Marcin Dalecki

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