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Re: Inlining on trees

At 12:16 PM 11/4/99 +0100, Marc Espie wrote:
>In article <>
you write:
>>I'd start doing it, but I'm not too familiar with most of the frontends.
>>Worse, I've never ever seen a single piece of Chill sourcecode in my
>>life, so there's no way I could test any conversion of that frontend.
>>[Does anyone actually _use_ Chill, or is it just baggage we're carrying
>A chill-testsuite looks like a very good idea... Nothing intricate, just 
>bare-bones to at least make sure the compiler appears vaguely functional.

Here's the first example program from the book "Introduction to CHILL"
ISBN 92-61-01771-1.

		DCL I INT := 1,
       J INT := I*2;

    I := J * 3;
    J := I / 4;
    I := ABS (J - I);

Another book is "CHILL User's Manual", ISBN 92-61-02601-X.

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