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ix86 backend: opportunities for optimizations ?

I have written the following test program and I have noticed that the 
resulting code produced by gcc is rather inefficient in a number of 


int func1(int);

int func2(double);

int func3(int a)
  return func1(a)+func2(a);

Code produced by GCC 2.95 with the options -O3 -S -mpentiumpro:

   .file   "test2.c"
   .align 4
globl _func3
   .def    _func3; .scl    2;  .type   32; .endef
   pushl %ebp
   movl %esp,%ebp
   subl $32,%esp
   pushl %esi
   pushl %ebx
   movl 8(%ebp),%ebx
   addl $-12,%esp
   pushl %ebx
   call _func1
   movl %ebx,-4(%ebp)
   fildl -4(%ebp)
   movl %eax,%esi
   addl $-8,%esp
   subl $8,%esp
   fstpl (%esp)
   call _func2
   addl %esi,%eax
   leal -40(%ebp),%esp
   popl %ebx
   popl %esi
   .def    _func2; .scl    2;  .type   32; .endef
   .def    _func1; .scl    2;  .type   32; .endef

Code produced by the 19990907 snapshot with the same options:
   .file   "test2.c"
   .version    "01.01"
   .align 16
globl func3
   .type    func3,@function
   pushl   %ebp
   movl    %esp, %ebp
   subl    $16, %esp
   pushl   %esi
   pushl   %ebx
   subl    $12, %esp
   movl    8(%ebp), %ebx
   pushl   %ebx
   call    func1
   subl    $8, %esp
   movl    %eax, %esi
   pushl   %ebx
   fildl   (%esp)
   popl    %ebx
   leal    -8(%esp), %esp
   fstpl   (%esp)
   call    func2
   leal    -24(%ebp), %esp
   leal    (%eax,%esi), %eax
   popl    %ebx
   popl    %esi
   movl    %ebp, %esp
   popl    %ebp
   .size    func3,.Lfe1-func3
   .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 2.96 19990907 (experimental)"

The inefficiencies I have noticed are :

1) When converting an integer to a floating point number, GCC prefers to 
push an integer register to the tack and then load the value into a 
floating point unit, rather than directly loading the value from memory 
where the parameter a is stored. That would avoid the costy memory 
accesses generated by pushl %ebx and popl %ebx

2) GCC does not combine instructions incrementing or decrementing the 
stach pointer. For the GCC 2.95 code for example, the instructions "addl 
$-8,%esp" and "subl $8,%esp" could be combined to a single instruction 
decrementing the stack pointer by 16.
Same (though less obvious) for the GCC 2.96 code where "subl $8, %esp" and 
"leal -8(%esp), %esp" could be combined.

BTW which of the instructions "subl $8, %esp" or "leal -8(%esp), %esp" is 
more efficient ? Could the compiler use the same one in all cases ?

Marcel Cox

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