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Re: What is generic i386-elf target?

> From: "Emir Uner" <>
> Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 03:23:27 PDT

> Hi, I want to ask a question but it may be a bit foolish. I've seen
> that there is a generic i386-elf target. What does it mean
> "generic"? And how can it be used.

Generic means that something is without a lot of specifics, in this
case, the specifics are the OS.  If you specifically have an OS, you
are better off using the specific configuration for that OS.  If you
don't you would know it, and a generic target would be useful.  These
generic targets are also useful to base a port on for a specific OS,
as then you don't have to worry about special magic, say Linux stuff,
being in the files you base your work on.

Hope that helps.

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