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Re: Unrecognized insn internal error in egcs 1.1.2

On 02-Aug-99 Joe Buck wrote:
>> >> OK, I'm pulling my hair out.  1.1.2 is giving me this weird error on
>> >> Linux IA32 while compiling a C++ program.  Should I update to 2.95?
>> > 
>> > Since you only provide a code fragment, not a complete input, no one
>> > can tell whether or not 2.95 fixes the bug you are seeing.
>> Unfortunately the complete input is rather huge.  I'll try to pare it down. 
> Alternatively, you could build gcc 2.95 and try it.  Otherwise there's
> no alternative than to send an example.

I'll give gcc 2.95 a try and see what happens.

>> Does all of this stuff spit out by the compiler (below) provide any
>> clues?  Does anyone have any idea exactly what this output means?
> The output means that, in the process of transforming your input, the
> compiler has produced a bit of RTL code that cannot be turned into
> any legal instruction.  This is not supposed to ever happen, and indicates
> a compiler bug.  Generally speaking, people are never going to be able
> to diagnose these just from a code fragment and an error message; such
> things may depend on the entire state of the compiler just before it
> reached this point.

If it doesn't work with 2.95, I'll try coming up with a whole program that does
the same thing.

>> Am I getting i686 or i586 (or i486?) if I compiled egcs using its default
>> compilation rules on a Pentium II machine?
> Type "gcc -v" and the compiler will tell you.

Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/egcs-2.91.66/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)                         

How do I tell it to use i586?  (for testing)
George T. Talbot

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