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Re: LAPACK 3.0 on small memory Linux systems (<= 64 Mbyte)

I wrote:

> "xlintims too large in LAPACK 3.0"

It turns out there's more between heaven and earth than I imagined.

Take this C program:

#include <stdio.h>
main (){
   static float f[40000000];
   f[0] = 1.0;

and this Fortran program:

      program aap
      real a(40000000)
      a(1) = 1.0

The C program runs to completion, giving the correct output, the Fortran
program SIGSEGV's.

This is on Linux (kernel 2.0.36) stock Red Hat 5.2 install, on a 64
Mbyte RAM with 64 Mbyte Swap machine.

After all - this might not be a Linux problem.

I checked, and both sources led to the following assembler:

        .local  f.3
        .comm   f.3,160000000,32	<-- 160 Megs of static storage

        .local  a.0
        .comm   a.0,160000000,32	<-- Idem

Hope someone has a flash of insight ...


Toon Moene (
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 346 214290; Fax: +31 346 214286
GNU Fortran:

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