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Question about option -fpermissive


I have met following problem with C++ compiler (gcc-2.95 prereleases up
to 19990623):

	Any warning is interpretted as error. Debugging cc1plus showed that
	function  init_decl_processing() in gcc/cp/decl.c sets
            flag_pedantic_errors to 1 unless I'm specifying command line
	option -fpermissive to cc1plus (or -fpedantic I may want not to use)

I put something like 

#define CC1PLUS_SPEC "%{!fno-permissive:-fpermissive}"

in gcc/config/i386/djgpp.h (I compiled gcc-2.95 prerelease for DJGPP).
Earlier tests (not latest weeks though) showed the same
problem also for Linux.	


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