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Re: noalias macro bug [was: Linux and aliasing?]

>>>>> "Joerg" == Joerg Pommnitz <> writes:

You included the following program:

  #include <stdio.h>

  #define noalias(type, ptr) \
    (((union { type __x__; __typeof__(*(ptr)) __y__;} *)(ptr))->__x__)

  main ()
      int a = 0x12345678;
      unsigned short *b = &noalias(unsigned short, &a);

      printf ("%x\n", a);
      b[1] = 0;
      printf ("%x\n", a);

      return 0;

and noted that:

  pommnitz ~>gcc -O2 -o alias alias.c 
  pommnitz ~>./alias 

You correctly concluded that this means the "noalias" macro didn't
work and asked:

  Is this an egcs bug, is the macro at fault or am I doing something

None of the above.  It's not a GCC bug.  From the manual section on

     Pay special attention to code like this:
          union a_union {
            int i;
            double d;
          int f() {
            a_union t;
            t.d = 3.0;
            return t.i;
     The practice of reading from a different union member than the one
     most recently written to (called "type-punning") is common.  Even
     with `-fstrict-aliasing', type-punning is allowed, provided the
     memory is accessed through the union type.  So, the code above
     will work as expected.  However, this code might not:
          int f() {
            a_union t;
            int* ip;
            t.d = 3.0;
            ip = &t.i;
            return *ip;

In other words, as in Linus' proposal, the "union trick" works only
when accessing directly through the union.  You squirelled the pointer
away, and then used it later, thereby losing the effects of the
noalias macro.  The following variant of your program works as you

  extern void printf(const char*, ...);

  #define noalias(type, ptr) \
    (((union { type __x__; __typeof__(*(ptr)) __y__;} *)(ptr))->__x__)

  typedef unsigned short usa[2];

  main ()
      int a = 0x12345678;
      printf ("%x\n", a);
      noalias(usa, &a)[1] = 0;
      printf ("%x\n", a);

      return 0;

Here's what I get: ./a.out

which is I think what you expected.  

Kernel people: is the use of the self-documenting noalias macro, as
demonstrated here, really so hard?

Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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