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Re: EGCS Optimization bug on HPUX


Has this issue ever been addressed or looked at?
I haven't seen followup since
John David Anglin <>
a week ago.  Thanks.

> The following code fragment appears in AutoGen's evalExpr_SHSTR
> routine in src/agExpr.c:
>      *(pz++) = '"';
>      for (;;) {
>          switch (*(pz++) = *(pzDta++)) {
>          case NUL:
>              goto loopDone2;
>          case '"':
>          case '\\':
>              pz[-1]  = '\\';
>              *(pz++) = pzDta[-1];
>          }
>      } loopDone2:;
>      pz[-1] = '"';
>      *pz    = NUL;
> AutoGen is available from:
> Under optimization levels 2 and above, the value for "pzDta" is
> apparently stored in both a register and in memory _AND_ they are
> not kept in sync.  Here is an example from autogen/tests/evalstr.test:

I believe the above observation is essentially correct.  However, it
is the synchronization between two registers rather than register and
memory.  At -O2 and above, additional registers are used to hold pz-1
and pzDta-1.  These registers are not properly kept in sync with the
registers used for pz and pzDta.

I created this test program:

#define NUL 0
void loop (char * pz, char * pzDta)
    for (;;) {
        switch (*(pz++) = *(pzDta++)) {
        case NUL:
            goto loopDone2;

        case '"':
        case '\\':
            pz[-1]  = '\\';
            *(pz++) = pzDta[-1];
    } loopDone2:;

Here is the assembler code at -O1:


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