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No Subject

> 2) number of bits set

Can be done using gcc inline assembly (on most CPUs that implement
the "NSA instruction" with a single opcode) 

> 3) bit rotation


e.g. on the x86:

extern inline unsigned int rotate_left(int i, unsigned int word)
	asm("roll %%cl,%0"
		:"=r" (word)
		:"0" (word),"c" (i));
	return word;

> this could be done in the optimizer but would be hard to identify afaik...

gcc tries to spot some of the constructs used to simulate rotation
in C ((x<<i) | (x>>(wordsize-i))) and output it as a single rotate
instruction, but this seems to only work for constant rotate counts.


This is like TV. I don't like TV.

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