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Re: Two other optimization questions.

Jeffrey A Law wrote:

>   I wrote:

>   >    Loop unrolling, like function inlining, is an optimization that
>   >    favors running time over code size; so they more or less "belong
>   >    together".  Wouldn't it be intuitive to *both* enable them by
>   >    default when -O3 is specified ?
> Actually I want to see a few things happen in this area:
>         1. Allow some loops to be unrolled at -O2/-O3.  Specifically those
>            which don't bloat the code too much and which we are confident
>            will win when unrolled.
>            Basically I'm thinking about single block loops which can be
>            trivially unrolled.

That would certainly cover most of the "interesting" (for loop
unrolling) loops in Fortran code.

However, this is not the last word on loop unrolling.  Just to quote a
(bilateral) discussion I had with Jim Wilson in February last year:



...two months ago you asked...

> me:

[ about limiting loop unrolling to 4 times, quoting unroll.c: ]

>          /* Limit loop unrolling to 4, since this will make 7 copies of
>             the loop body.  */
>          if (unroll_number > 4)
>            unroll_number = 4;

>        I do not completely understand the comment - probably it  
>       means to say that unrolling 8 times will lead to 7 extra copies of  
>       the loop body (because mod(number-of-iterations, number-of-unrolls)  
>       is maximally 7).

Jim again:

We get 2N-1 copies of the loop when preconditioning is performed.  Given
loop like this:
        for (i < 100;  i++)
we can unroll it only if we do preconditioning.  We then get code
like this (not checked for correctness):
        tmp = i % 4;
        if (tmp <= 1) {
          if (tmp == 1) goto three:
          else goto loop:
        } else {
          if (tmp == 2) goto two:
          else goto one:
        for (i < 100; i += 4)
Note that this has 7 copies of the original loop body.

>         It is not clear to me why this isn't implemented  
>       as:

>       do i = 1, mod(number-of-iterations, number-of-unrolls)
>          <body>
>       enddo
>       do i = mod(number-of-iterations, number-of-unrolls) + 1,
>    x         number-of-iterations, number-of-unrolls
>          <unrolled-body>
>       enddo

>       especially since, when unrolling naively, the number-of-unrolls is  
>       2, 4 or 8, so that mod(number-of-iterations, number-of-unrolls)  
>       effectively is iand(number-of-iterations, number-of-unrolls - 1),  
>       which is a very cheap computation compared to mod(...).

[I was pointing out that one only needed N+1 loop bodies here, because
 the "preconditioning" could also be done by a loop. ]


I am not sure what you are asking for here, because the loop unroller
already does this, as I mentioned above.  The only difference is that it
is emitting multiple copies of the loop body instead of adding a second
loop.  I did it this way because I though it would give better code,
I may not have thought through all of the implications of this.
This makes sense for small loop bodies, but is a disadvantage for
large loop bodies.  Using a second loop also works better for larger
number-of-unrolls, since it avoids needed log2(number-of-unrolls)
at the beginning.  Hmm, maybe this should be done for certain cases.

[ Well, another thing I thought I pointed out was that the current
  code contains too many taken forward branches.  The Alpha hates them
  and so probably other architectures. ]


[ errno setting not useful for Fortran ]

>   >    Would it be possible to implement a test settable by a Front End
>   >    that no errno setting is called for by its language ?
> Hmmm.  Yes, we're trying to be ANSI/ISO compliant.  Not it's not just errno,
> but the matherr handling by ANSI/ISO which mandates this behavior.
> This probably isn't appropriate for Fortran ;-)  I've got no objection to
> some way for the backend to influence this code.  I do wonder what the Fortran
> standards say about the behavior of sqrt (-1).

Craig already wrote you the answer to that.  The full expression is: 
"An undefined operation allows the compiler to do anything, up to and
including starting WW III, if the appropriate optional hardware is

Needless to say, that's a paraphrase of what's in the Standard.

Toon Moene (
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 346 214290; Fax: +31 346 214286
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