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Re: egcs-1.1.2 prerelease #2

  In message <
t>you write:
  > > Plus it will also make it easier to maintain correct links from faq.html
  > > into INSTALL, as we'll have to do is
  > > 
  > >  s#/install#/INSTALL#g
  > > 
  > > (Note that currently these links are broken in the prerelease!)
  > Unfortunately, this issue is still present, though actually the expression
  > should be s#install/#INSTALL/#g . Can you have a look, please?
What precisely is wrong?

When you want to report a link that doesn't work in the distribution, you
need to refer to specific files & links.  Otherwise I have to guess what
file and link you're referring to.

The only reference to the install directory is for specific.html in the

In faq.html the reference looks like "install/specific.html" which seems
correct to me.

In FAQ, there are also two references to the install directory in the
References section.  Both point to the does on the web rather than to the
copy internally in the release.  Which seems reasoanble until we have a
better idea how to organize all this stuff.


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