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Re: enough! (was Re: Intel+Cygnus+Optimized Compilers)

On Sun, Feb 28, 1999 at 07:42:37AM -0500, Paul Derbyshire wrote:
> Oh. That's reasonable, to remit operating costs. Sullying the GNU name by
> selling your souls to the money devils and charging for software for
> profit, on the other hand...
With respect, you need to re-evaluate your concept of "reality". Just
becuase software is sold doesnt make it bad, in the same sense that
selling cars doesnt make them bad. If Cygnus or anyone else sells GNU
software or their own software or anything else, more strength to them.

*EXPECTING* free software, rather than *APPR#ECIATING* it is a far more
soul muddying concept.

J. Kean Johnston  |"A man with courage on the outside dares to die;
Engineer, SPG     | A man with courage on the inside dares to live" - Lao Tzu
Santa Cruz, CA    +----------------------------------------------------------
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