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Re: multiple definitions of 'xxx keyed to...' in egcs-1.1.1

> Do 'D' and 'I' have to be global?

I'm not sure. As you've found, they don't have to be for ELF. I don't
know what the rationale was for making them global; it seems this
knowledge is lost...

> I am not sure if we should worry about anonymous namespaces. What
> will happen when 2 anonymous namespaces have the same name?

Bad things. Anonymous namespaces allow you to put

  int dummy;

into a header file, and you should get a different variable in each
object file. More importantly, you can do

  class Handle{

in an implementation and expect that it won't clash with somebody
else's Handle class. If the two anonymous namespaces have the same
name, you'll get a clash.


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