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Re: Can we remove bison output from cvs?

> Looking back at you
> only propose doing it, you never state how it would improve things. 

Because the cvs archive should contain *source* files.
Files that can be generated should in principle not be there.
We may make some exceptions when it makes things easier,
but the general philosophy is that cvs should not contain
generated files.

Another lesser reason:  It would slightly simplify my life.
The current setup is inconsistent with how Cygnus maintains our
internal cvs tree.  Thus I need to do different things when
checking things into the internal tree and the Cygnus tree,
increasing the likelyhood of mistakes.  Since a large chunk
of Gcc work is done by Cygnus engineers, this is not just
for me.

> I remove snapshot builds daily.

But nobody is proposing removing the generated files from the
snapshots, only from the cvs archive!  If you want to test
the "instanteous" snapshots from the cvs archive, I think
it would make a lot of sense to have a main machine with cvs,
check it out, build a snapshot tarball from that (using
whatever script Jeff uses), and copy that tarball around
to your various machines.

Note:  Thus means we should also release a script that
produces a snapshot from the cvs source tree.  This should
ideally be a "dist" rule in the Makefile, for compatibility
with automake.

	--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions

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