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using member templates to cast 0 to pointer to member fun...

Subject: using member templates to cast 0 to pointer to member function

Scott Meyers, in 'Effective C++ second edition 50 Specific Ways to improve
your programs and design' mentions at page 112 an implementation for a class
that uses member templates to cast 0 to any kind of pointer. Now, I'm using
egcs-2.91.60 (release 1.1.1) on the following code:

const class Null
    Null() {}
    template<class T>
        operator T* () const
            { return static_cast<T*>(0); }

    template<class C, class T>
        operator T C::* () const
            { return static_cast<T C::*>(0); }

class a
    int bingo(int){}

typedef int (a::*PFNBINGO)(int);

void main(void)
    PFNBINGO pfn = &a::bingo;
    PFNBINGO pfnBingo = NULL:

everything works fine, until assigning NULL to the member function pointer.
the error is:
cannot convert `NULL' from type `Null' to type `int (a::*)(int)'

funny is that egcs-2.91.60 manages to cast my NULL to a member pointer, as
long as it is not a member function pointer.

Am I missing anything in the standard, am I missing anything in the way I
write the code, or it is something that still needs work in egcs??


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