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Re: STL[quick questions]

> > From: Joe Buck <jbuck@Synopsys.COM>
> > To: (Igor Markov)
> > Date: Fri, 4 Dec 98 18:47:36 PST
> > The reason for not switching for 1.1 was bad timing, and 1.1.1 was
> > supposed to be binary compatible so we didn't switch.
> I suspect that we'll break binary compatibility with the newer STL.
> If we do, then turning on all the abi breaking stuff for 1.2 would be
> good, if the new code is ready in time.

We still don't have a C++ library that lives in std (the libstdc++ version
3 is not ready).  However, it would be possible to turn on -fsquangle and
the new class layout (that uses 0 bytes for empty classes in almost all

> Or are people more interested in maintaining what binary compatibility
> we can between 1.1.1 and 1.2 (even if it isn' t complete
> compatibility)?

I don't know.  In practice, the new STL won't break most binary interfaces
because relatively functions depend on STL, and even for those that do,
many of the STL classes have not changed layout.

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