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Re: egcs-1.1.1 on Solaris2.6 bug?

  More problematic functions (see prev. message for error messages)

    109 template<class Iter>
    110 inline
    111 unsigned printRange(ostream& out, Iter first, Iter last)
    112 {
    113     for (unsigned count=0; first!=last; first++, count++)
    114     {
    115         if (count % 10 == 0)
    116         {
    117             if (count)
    118                 out<<'\n';
    119             out<<"     ";
    120         }
    121         out<<setw(6)<<*first<<' ';
    122     }
    123     out<<'\n';
    124     return count;
    125 }

>pathDelims.h:34: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `pathDelimWindows' with no type
>pathDelims.h:35: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `pathDelimUnix' with no type
  these are actually correct and I fixed the problem
  (interestingly, SunPro CC didn't say anything here,
    even with the srongest analog of -Wall)

    103 Verbosity::Verbosity(const char* levels)
    104 // space or underscore-separated unsigneds
    105 :_levels(100,0),
    106 forActions(_levels[0]),forSysRes(_levels[1]),forMajStats(_levels[2])
    107 {
    108   _ctructFromString(levels);
    109 }

  where class Verbosity was declared as

    77 class Verbosity
    78 {
    79    vector<unsigned>  _levels;
    83  public:
    85     Verbosity();  // the default is "silent"
    86     Verbosity(const char* levels); // space or underscore-separated
    87                                    // can also be "silent" and "0" 
    88                                    // (same as "0 0 0", same as "0_0_0")
    89     Verbosity(int argc, const char *argv[]); // catches -verb
    .....   // the following three are just references 
    ....    // to the first three elements of _levels
    104     // "verbosity for actions" means writing "doing this, doing that"
    105     // with more or less detail, depending on the level
    106     unsigned & forActions;
    108     // "verbosity for system resources" means writing
    109     //  how much memory/CPU time/etc was used
    110     //  in more or fewer places depending on the level
    111     unsigned & forSysRes;
    113     // "verbosity for major stats" means writing
    114     //  quantities/sizes of importants components,
    115     //  on more or fewer occasions, depending on the level
    116     unsigned & forMajStats;
    118     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Verbosity& verbsty);
    120 };


What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an 
endangered plant?

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