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AIX 4.3 header conflict

egcs maintainers:

When I try to compile the DDD shareware debugger package
(written in C++) on an RS6000 AIX 4.3 machine using the
egcs-1.1 C++ compiler, I get an error complaining about a
conflict between the egcs and AIX 4.3 headers.

I have attached the AIX 4.3 math.h header file so you can 
take a look at it.

The error I get follows:

> In file included from ArcBox.C:47:
> /usr/include/math.h:455: redefinition of `class exception'
> /bridges/gnu/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.1.0/egcs-2.91.57/include/exception:20: previous definition here
> /bridges/gnu/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.1.0/egcs-2.91.57/include/exception:20: previous declaration of `exception::exception(const struct exception &)' with C++ linkage
> /usr/include/math.h:461: conflicts with new declaration with C linkage
>/bridges/gnu/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.1.0/egcs-2.91.57/include/exception:20: previous declaration of `struct exception & exception::operator =(const struct exception &)' with C++ linkage
> /usr/include/math.h:461: conflicts with new declaration with C linkage
> /usr/include/math.h:461: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
> make[1]: *** [ArcBox.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/bridges/builds/ddd/ddd-1998-11-18/ddd'
> make: *** [all] Error 1

It appears that there is a conflict between the egcs exception header
and the AIX 4.3 math.h header.

I understand that the egcs compiler is only going to support the
full 64-bit features of the AIX 4.3 operating system in the next
release of egcs (1.1.1).  I hope that a fix to the above problem can
also be rolled out quickly.

Any help, patches, or fixes for the above problem would be
appreciated!   Please cc: any responses to me at since I am not on the egcs mailing lists.

Thank you!!


P.S.  If you would like to try replicate this problem, you can access
the DDD source code at
I assume you would probably need an AIX 4.3 machine
though to recreate it.

/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos430 src/bos/usr/include/math.h                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985,1995          */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)30  src/bos/usr/include/math.h, libm, bos430, 9737A_430 9/4/97 11:42:19 */

 * COMPONENT_NAME: (LIBM) math header file
 * ORIGINS: 27
 * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985, 1997
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

#ifndef _H_MATH
#define _H_MATH

#ifndef _H_STANDARDS
#include <standards.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *      The ANSI standard requires that certain values be in math.h.
 *      It also requires that if _ANSI_C_SOURCE is defined then ONLY these
 *      values are present.
 *      This header includes all the ANSI required entries. In addition
 *      other entries for the AIX system are included.

 *      ANSI required entries in math.h

extern  unsigned _DBLINF[2];

#define HUGE_VAL (*((double *)(_DBLINF)))

#ifdef _NO_PROTO

extern  double acos();
extern  double asin();
extern  double atan();
extern  double atan2();
extern  double ceil();
extern  double cos();
extern  double cosh();
extern  double exp();
extern  double fabs();
extern  double floor();
extern  double fmod();
extern  double frexp();
extern  double ldexp();
extern  double log();
extern  double log10();
extern  double modf();
extern  double pow();
extern  double sin();
extern  double sinh();
extern  double sqrt();
extern  double tan();
extern  double tanh();

#ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128
long double acosl();
long double asinl();
long double atanl();
long double atan2l();
long double cosl();
long double coshl();
long double sinl();
long double sinhl();
long double tanl();
long double tanhl();
long double expl();
long double frexpl();
long double ldexpl();
long double logl();
long double log10l();
long double modfl();
long double powl();
long double sqrtl();
long double ceill();
long double fabsl();
long double floorl();
long double fmodl();
#endif /* #ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128 */

#else  /*_NO_PROTO */			/* Use ANSI C required prototyping */

extern  double acos(double);
extern  double asin(double);
extern  double atan(double);
extern  double atan2(double,double);
extern  double ceil(double);
extern  double cos(double);
extern  double cosh(double);
extern  double exp(double);
extern  double fabs(double);
extern  double floor(double);
extern  double fmod(double, double);
extern  double frexp(double, int *);
extern  double ldexp(double, int);
extern  double log(double);
extern  double log10(double);
extern  double modf(double, double *);
extern  double pow(double, double);
extern  double sin(double);
extern  double sinh(double);
extern  double sqrt(double);
extern  double tan(double);
extern  double tanh(double);

#ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128
 * The following interfaces are available only for the
 * non-default 128-bit long double mode.  By default long
 * double is the same as double (64-bit) and should use the
 * the double precision versions of these routines.
long double acosl(long double);
long double asinl(long double);
long double atanl(long double);
long double atan2l(long double , long double);
long double cosl(long double);
long double coshl(long double);
long double sinl(long double);
long double sinhl(long double);
long double tanl(long double);
long double tanhl(long double);
long double expl(long double);
long double frexpl(long double ,   /* value */
		   int *);         /* exponent */
long double ldexpl(long double ,   /* value */
		   int);           /* exponent */
long double logl(long double);
long double log10l(long double);
long double modfl(long double ,    /* value */
		  long double *);  /* integer part */
long double powl(long double , long double);
long double sqrtl(long double);
long double ceill(long double);
long double fabsl(long double);
long double floorl(long double);
long double fmodl(long double , long double);
#endif /* #ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128 */

#endif /*_NO_PROTO */

 *   The following macro definitions cause the XLC compiler to inline
 *   these functions whenever possible.  __MATH__ is defined by the compiler.
#ifdef __MATH__
#define acos(__x)         __acos(__x)
#define asin(__x)         __asin(__x)
#define atan(__x)         __atan(__x)
#define atan2(__x,__y)      __atan2(__x,__y)
#define cos(__x)          __cos(__x)
#define exp(__x)          __exp(__x)
#define fabs(__x)         __fabs(__x)
#define log(__x)          __log(__x)
#define log10(__x)        __log10(__x)
#define sin(__x)          __sin(__x)
#define sqrt(__x)         __sqrt(__x)
#define tan(__x)          __tan(__x)

#endif /*_ANSI_C_SOURCE */

 * The following function prototypes define functions available in the
 * AIX system but not required by the ANSI standard. They will not be
 * included if _ANSI_C_SOURCE is defined (strict ANSI conformance).


extern int signgam;

 *      Useful mathmatical constants:
 * M_E          -- e
 * M_LOG2E      -- log2(e)
 * M_LOG10E     -- log10(e)
 * M_LN2        -- ln(2)
 * M_PI         -- pi
 * M_PI_2       -- pi/2
 * M_PI_4       -- pi/4
 * M_1_PI       -- 1/pi
 * M_2_PI       -- 2/pi
 * M_2_SQRTPI   -- 2/(sqrt(pi))
 * M_SQRT2      -- sqrt(2)
 * M_SQRT1_2    -- 1/sqrt(2)
 * These constants are provided to more significant digits
 * than is necessary for a 64-bit double precision number; they 
 * may be used for other purposes where the extra precision
 * is necessary or useful.

#define M_E         2.71828182845904523536028747135266250
#define M_LOG2E     1.44269504088896340735992468100189214
#define M_LOG10E    0.434294481903251827651128918916605082
#define M_LN2       0.693147180559945309417232121458176568
#define M_LN10      2.30258509299404568401799145468436421
#define M_PI        3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
#define M_PI_2      1.57079632679489661923132169163975144
#define M_PI_4      0.785398163397448309615660845819875721
#define M_1_PI      0.318309886183790671537767526745028724
#define M_2_PI      0.636619772367581343075535053490057448
#define M_2_SQRTPI  1.12837916709551257389615890312154517
#define M_SQRT2     1.41421356237309504880168872420969808
#define M_SQRT1_2   0.707106781186547524400844362104849039

/* MAXFLOAT is also defined in values.h */
#ifndef MAXFLOAT
extern unsigned int _SFPMAX;
#define MAXFLOAT            (*((float *) (&_SFPMAX)))

#ifdef _NO_PROTO
extern     double   erf();
extern     double   erfc();
extern     int      isnan();
extern     double   hypot();
extern     double   j0();
extern     double   j1();
extern     double   jn();
#if defined(_THREAD_SAFE) && defined(_ALL_SOURCE)
extern     double   gamma_r();
extern     double   lgamma_r();
extern     double   gamma();
extern     double   lgamma();
extern     double   y0();
extern     double   y1();
extern     double   yn();

#ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128
long double erfl();
long double erfcl();
long double lgammal_r();
long double lgammal();
#endif /* _THREAD_SAFE */
#endif /* #ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128 */

extern     double   acosh();
extern     double   asinh();
extern     double   atanh();
extern     double   cbrt();
extern     double   expm1();
extern     int      ilogb();
extern     double   log1p();
extern     double   logb();
extern     double   nextafter();
extern     double   remainder();
extern     double   rint();
extern     double   scalb();

#else /* _NO_PROTO */

extern     double   erf(double);
extern     double   erfc(double);
extern     int      isnan(double);
extern     double   hypot(double,double);
extern     double   j0(double);
extern     double   j1(double);
extern     double   jn(int, double);
#if defined(_THREAD_SAFE) && defined(_ALL_SOURCE)
extern     double   gamma_r(double, int *);
extern     double   lgamma_r(double, int *);
extern     double   gamma(double);
extern     double   lgamma(double);
#endif /* _THREAD_SAFE */
extern     double   y0(double);
extern     double   y1(double);
extern     double   yn(int, double);

#ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128
long double erfl(long double);
long double erfcl(long double);
long double lgammal_r(long double, int *);
long double lgammal(long double);
#endif /* _THREAD_SAFE */
#endif /* #ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128 */

extern     double   acosh(double);
extern     double   asinh(double);
extern     double   atanh(double);
extern     double   cbrt(double);
extern     double   expm1(double);
extern     double   log1p(double);
extern     double   remainder(double, double);
extern     double   rint(double);
extern     double   scalb(double, double);
#if !defined(_POWER) || ( (_XOPEN_SOURCE==500) && !defined(_ALL_SOURCE) )
	/* Use these if not compiling for POWER or if compiling
	 * explicitly for UNIX98.
	static int ilogb(double __a)
	{ extern int _power_ilogb();
	  return _power_ilogb(__a);
	static double logb(double __a)
	{ extern double _power_logb();
	  return _power_logb(__a);
	static double nextafter(double __a, double __b)
	{ extern double _power_nextafter();
	  return _power_nextafter(__a, __b);
     /* The POWER wants arguments in both GPR's and FPR's
      * By not specifying a prototype of double, the compiler
      * will put the argument in both types of registers.
	extern     int      ilogb();
	extern     double   logb();
	extern     double   nextafter();


#endif /* _NO_PROTO */

#endif /* _XOPEN_SOURCE */

#ifdef _ALL_SOURCE


#ifndef	_BSD
#ifndef _H_STDLIB
#include <stdlib.h>
#else	/* _BSD */
 *	Any changes to the below declaration must be verified with
 *	changes to the same function declaration in <stdlib.h>
#ifndef	_NO_PROTO
extern double   atof(const char *);
#else	/* _NO_PROTO */
extern double   atof();
#endif	/* _NO_PROTO */
#endif	/* _BSD */

#ifdef _NO_PROTO

extern     double   cabs();
extern     double   copysign ();
extern     double   drem();
extern     double   exp__E();
extern     double   log__L();
extern     double   nearest();
extern     double   rsqrt();
extern     double   trunc();
#ifndef    __cplusplus
extern     int      class();
extern     int      _class();
extern     int      finite();
extern     int      itrunc();
extern     int      unordered();
extern     unsigned  uitrunc();
#ifdef _POWER
extern     int      dtoi();

#else /* _NO_PROTO */			/* Use ANSI C required prototyping */

     struct dbl_hypot {
         double x, y;

extern     double   cabs(struct dbl_hypot);
extern     double   copysign (double, double);
extern     double   drem(double, double);
extern     double   exp__E(double, double);
extern     double   log__L(double);
extern     double   nearest(double);
extern     double   rsqrt(double);
extern     double   trunc(double);
extern     int      itrunc(double);
extern     int      unordered(double, double);
extern     unsigned  uitrunc(double);
#ifdef _POWER
extern     int      dtoi(double);
     /* The POWER wants arguments in both GPR's and FPR's
      * By not specifying a prototype of double, the compiler
      * will put the argument in both types of registers.
#ifndef    __cplusplus
extern     int      class();
     /* _class does nothing but calls class subroutine
      * internally. So prototyping like this will
      * still work and avoid compilation errors
extern     int      _class(double);
extern     int      finite();
#ifndef    __cplusplus
extern     int      class(double);
extern     int      _class(double);
extern     int      finite(double);

#endif /* _NO_PROTO */

struct exception {
	int type;
	char *name;
	double arg1;
	double arg2;
	double retval;

#define 	DOMAIN		01
#define		SING		02
#define		OVERFLOW	03
#define		UNDERFLOW	04
#define		TLOSS		05
#define		PLOSS		06

 *      Useful mathmatical constants:
 * HUGE         - +infinity
 * M_2PI        - 2*pi
#define HUGE       HUGE_VAL
#define M_2PI      6.2831853071795862320E0  /*Hex  2^ 2 * 1.921FB54442D18 */

/* This is the nearest number to the cube root of MAXDOUBLE that   */
/*      doesn't cause the cube of it to overflow.                  */
/* In double precision hex this constant is: 554428a2 f98d728a     */
#define CUBRTHUGE      5.6438030941223618e102
#define INV_CUBRTHUGE  1.7718548704178434e-103

#endif /* ALL_SOURCE */

 * 64-bit integer support, known as long long int and unsigned long long int
#if (defined(_LONG_LONG) && defined(_ALL_SOURCE))
#ifdef _NO_PROTO

extern long long int __multi64( );
extern long long int __divi64( );
extern unsigned long long int __divu64( );
extern long long int __maxi64( );
extern long long int __mini64( );
extern long long int __f64toi64rz( );
extern unsigned long long int __f64tou64rz( );

#ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128
extern long long int __f128toi64rz( );
extern unsigned long long int __f128tou64rz( );
#endif /* __LONGDOUBLE128 */

#else /* ifdef _NO_PROTO */

extern long long int __multi64( long long int, long long int );
extern long long int __divi64( long long int, long long int );
extern unsigned long long int __divu64( unsigned long long int, 
					unsigned long long int );
extern long long int __maxi64( long long int, long long int );
extern long long int __mini64( long long int, long long int );
extern long long int __f64toi64rz( double );
extern unsigned long long int __f64tou64rz( double );

#ifdef __LONGDOUBLE128
extern long long int __f128toi64rz( long double );
extern unsigned long long int __f128tou64rz( long double );
#endif /* __LONGDOUBLE128 */

#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
#endif /* if defined(_LONG_LONG) && defined(_ALL_SOURCE) */

 *   __XLC121__ is automatically defined by the XLC 1.2.1 compiler so that
 *   the compiler can inline the following function when possible.

#if (defined (__MATH__) &&  defined (__XLC121__) && defined (_ALL_SOURCE) )
#define copysign(x,y)     __copysign(x,y)

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /*_H_MATH */

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