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Re: How to make g++ & egcs live together ?

> --simple boundary
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> For Linux or Solaris:
> Is there any way to have on the same box, the g++- and egcs-1.1b=
>  ?
> Thus, I can continue to compile kernel parts with g++- (linux)
> and coding C++ (with the latest stuff) using egcs.
> I should have separate dirs for includes and librairies.
> And different names for calling compilers: g++ and eg++ (or any other n=
> ame) ?
> I would prefer type something like:
> > make "CC=3Dg++" or make "CC=3Deg++"
> than scratching the original g++ distribution.

It should be possible after egcs 1.1.1 with my library
interface change. It is too bad that it cannot go into
the official egcs 1.1.1.


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