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Re: egcs 2.91.57 installed, but...

On Sat, Sep 12, 1998 at 07:19:45AM +0000, Lin Zhe Min wrote:
> 	#include <stdio.h>
> 	main() { puts("Hello world."); }
> are statically linked so that are huge in space. And trying adding 
> -shared in compilation, a larger binary is generated with segmentation 
> error in execusion.

-shared is meant to built shared libraries, not binaries linked to shared
libs. You need to use -fPIC while compiling and -shared for linking a shared
lib. If you use -shared on a to link a binary it will segfault.
Make sure you have a .so file, e.g.>> 
(symlinks) and link with -L/path/to/lib -lfoo in order to get a binary
linked to a shared lib.

|  cand.phys. Kurt Garloff        C1-O4-101 (Chemiegeb"aude)   |
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