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Re: typedef vs. typename confusion

>>>>> «Jason», Jason Merrill <> wrote:

>>>>> Joe Buck <jbuck@Synopsys.COM> writes:
>>> People should be able to specify a flag to compile older code.  Did the
>>> original compilers default to C behaviour (ie allowing use of
>>> non-declared functions or assuming int when no type is specified)?  I
>>> don't think so, the compilers forced people to update their code, or
>>> they supplied a switch that would allow older behaviour.

>> Guess what g++ does?  It allows use of non-declared functions, assuming
>> int, and gives a warning.  I think that it is time for this to go away,
>> because it is now more trouble than it's worth

Jason> How so?  There are still C libraries that people want to use with sloppy

Well, those functions have C linkage and should be declared extern
"C". In that case I can't see a reason why g++ should be in error. so
the problem is not there. 

Jason> declarations in the headers.  I don't think this particular extension is
Jason> problematic.

We've got two reports in less than two weeks.

-- Gaby

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