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Re: Not successfully built ecgs

>  I am sorry for confusing you ... it is i386 assembler.
>  I was trapped by the word 'nextstep' in the Host/Target
>  specific installation notes and didn't realize the 'm68k-'
>  prefix.

My own fault, I should have read the whole message instead of  
jumping to the end immediately.

> ~/Developer/egcs-1.0.3a/objdir/gcc> cat dummy.s
> / GNU C version egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)
> (i386-next-nextstep3) compiled by GNU C version 2.5.8.

Yep, I had problems with dummy.c before, but they were definitely  
preprocessor problems and not assembler problems - so your's are  
different !

OTOH, I do not know whether upgrading the assembler will help.  The  
GNU assembler is part of the binutils package, and *I* cannot  
upgrade binutils on my NEXTSTEP system, because the package doesn't  
support the Mach-O object format (try to do a file <something>.o on  
a correctly compiled object file - if it says: Mach-O format, you're  

OTTH, egcs-1.0.3 & egcs-1.1-prerelease _do_ generate correct  
assembler on my m68k system, so the question is:  Do you really need  
a new assembler ?  Unfortunately, I do not have access to an  
i386-next-nextstep3 system to find out ...


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