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Re: configure not happy with OpenBSD2.3

Obviously I'm missing a significant point here so excuse the naive
question... Why is it that egcs supports many proprietary platforms that
provide no source code nor do they assign rights to the FSF but egcs
does not support OpenBSD for these said reasons even though OpenBSD is
much more "open" than these proprietary platforms? I'm a Linux/Solaris
user myself so this doesn't affect me personally but I'm curious about
your statement.

	thanx & later,
		Ben Scherrey
		Proteus Technologies, Inc.

Jeffrey A Law wrote:
> OpenBSD is not supported by egcs.
> My understanding of the situation is that the OpenBSD patches do not
> have a clear assignment path and therefore we can not integrate them.
> ie, they were written by someone that for whatever reason did not
> assign copyright rights to the FSF.  We can not integrate such patches.
> Some of the OpenBSD folks have talked about rewriting the OpenBSD config
> files, filing an assignment with the FSF and donating the code.  But that
> has not happened yet.
> jeff

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