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Loop optimizer misses simple optimisation?

Kamil Iskra writes:
| Hi,
| In a debate on comp.sys.amiga.programmer, a debate that I would sum up as
| "Does GCC really optimize so well as some people claim?" I came across a
| relatively simple source where GCC indeed does perform rather poorly:

It depends on the machine.  I believe that GCC doesn't do as good of a
job with udivmod operations where it produces two outputs, as on
machines where it has a more normal division instruction (with
possibly a remainder instruction).

| #define N (1UL<<22)
| #define eN N
| unsigned char a[N + 1];
| main ()
| {
|   unsigned int i;
|   for (i = 2; i <= (1UL << 11); i++)
|       if (a[i])
|       {
| 	  unsigned int j;
| 	  for (j = 2; j <= eN / i; j++)
| 	      a[i * j] = 0;
|       }
| }

For example, the powerpc-eabi-gcc compiler generates:

	.file	"foo.c"

 # rs6000/powerpc options: -msdata=data -G 8
 # GNU C version egcs-2.91.24 19980418 (gcc2 ss-980401 experimental) (powerpc-eabi) compiled by GNU C version egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release).
 # options passed:  -O2 -fverbose-asm
 # options enabled:  -fdefer-pop -fomit-frame-pointer -fcse-follow-jumps
 # -fcse-skip-blocks -fexpensive-optimizations -fthread-jumps
 # -fstrength-reduce -fpeephole -fforce-mem -ffunction-cse -finline
 # -fkeep-static-consts -fcaller-saves -fpcc-struct-return
 # -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -fschedule-insns
 # -fschedule-insns2 -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fsjlj-exceptions
 # -fcommon -fverbose-asm -fgnu-linker -fregmove -fargument-alias -mpowerpc
 # -mnew-mnemonics -meabi -mcall-sysv -msdata=data

	.section ".text"
	.align 2
	.globl main
	.type	 main,@function
	stwu 1,-8(1)
	mflr 0
	stw 0,12(1)
	bl __eabi
	addis 9,0,a@ha
	addi 9,9,a@l
	li 8,2
	lis 3,0x40
	li 5,0
	add 6,9,8
	mr 4,3
	li 7,4
	lbz 0,0(6)
	addi 6,6,1
	cmpwi 0,0,0
	bc 12,2,.L4
	divwu 0,3,8
	li 10,2
	cmplw 0,10,0
	bc 12,1,.L4
	divwu 0,4,8
	add 11,7,9
	addi 10,10,1
	cmplw 0,10,0
	stb 5,0(11)
	add 11,11,8
	bc 4,1,.L10
	addi 8,8,1
	cmplwi 0,8,2048
	addi 7,7,2
	bc 4,1,.L5
	lwz 0,12(1)
	mtlr 0
	addi 1,1,8
	.size	 main,.Lfe1-main
	.comm	a,4194305,1
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.24 19980418 (gcc2 ss-980401 experimental)"

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions (Massachusetts office)
4th floor, 955 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA,	617-354-5416 (office),	617-354-7161 (fax)

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