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Re: Successful (?) build egsc-1.0.2 on irix-6.5 (beta

	 One suggestion: "-woff 84 " should be added to
	the *link: line of the specs file for the irix6
	case. The SGI linker warns about unused libraries
	by default. This caused a lot of "failures" in
	libio and libstdc++

Dejagnu has been fixed to ignore these linker warnings.  This change should
appear in the next dejagnu snapshot.

I'd like to see gcc use the -dont_warn_unused/-warn_unused options around
uses of gcc specific libraries like libgcc and libstdc++.  However, this
requires being able to add machine dependent linker options in places where
we haven't needed them before, and no one has tried to write code to support
this yet.


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