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Re: libgcc problems with shared libraries

>>>>> Andrey Slepuhin writes:

Andrey> Some problems with incorrect executables were solved by adding
Andrey> "cror 31,31,31" after each "bl ._savef14" instruction in *.s
Andrey> files and recompiling them. So, this is definitely egcs bug
Andrey> (I'm using 971225 snapshot). May be there are other similar bugs -
Andrey> I don't know (at least not all executables became correct).

Andrey> What I really don't understand - how this is referred to my
Andrey> experiments with libgcc, i.e. why absence of cror instructions
Andrey> didn't break execution earlier?

	These save and restore calls should be local to the program.  The
only way they could be failing is if the linker is using a different copy
of those routines.  There are a number of symbols that should never be
re-exported from a library.  _savef[0-9][0-9]$ and _restf[0-9][0-9]$ are 
two such regexs examples.  This is another example of the braindamage automatic
exporting others have added to collect2 coming back to cause problems.


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