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libg++ header file locations...

 =>From: Joe Buck <>
 =>> Actually, I'm not (currently) using anything in libg++, but the old
 =>> header files are seen by egcs++ due to search paths, and the old
 =>> declarations of new & delete conflict.
 =>I don't understand why: gcc/libg++ used to use $prefix/lib/g++-include for
 =>headers; egcs uses $prefix/usr/include.  So I don't understand where
 =>you are getting old headers from.  Do you have stuff in /usr/local/include?

Yes; I have a bunch of different gcc's running on the machine
(, a gcc cross-compiler for USR PalmPilots, and egcs), and I
don't fully understand where things *should* be installed.  (OTOH, I'm
not *that* dumb; I hope it's not all my fault that things are a little
confused :-)

The include path egcs++ searches on my machine is:

 /usr/local/include/SGI-STL <- I added this (contains the SGI STL headers)
 /usr/local/include/g++     <- I guess this was found during the build?
                               Maybe the PalmPilot install put it there.
                               I don't think I did it myself, except as
                               part of some other install.
 /usr/local/lib/g++-include <- this is where the plain libg++-2.7.2 lives
 /usr/local/include         <- some PalmPilot stuff is here

I guess I should really clean out /usr/local/include, rebuild the
compilers, and install all the headers that are appropriate for a
version down the $prefix/lib/gcc-lib/version.../ tree, where cc1 &
friends live.


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