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Re: [PATCH] combine: Do not combine moves from hard registers

What is the status of this patch?  I see PR 87708, which is for the
regression to ira-shrinkwrap-prep-[12].c but what about all the
other regressions?  I see 27 of them on my aarch64 build and when
I looked at one of them ( the code looks
worse than before, generating an extra instruction in each of the
routines.  Here is an example from one function where there is an
extra fmov that was not there before.  The test runs at -O1 but
the extra instruction appears at all optimization levels.  Should
I submit a new PR for this?

Steve Ellcey

void cvt_int32_t_to_float (int a, float b)
{ float c; c = (float) a;
  if ( (c - b) > 0.00001) abort();

Which used to generate:

	scvtf	s1, w0
	fsub	s0, s1, s0
	fcvt	d0, s0
	adrp	x0, .LC0
	ldr	d1, [x0, #:lo12:.LC0]
	fcmpe	d0, d1
	bgt	.L9
	stp	x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 29, -16
	.cfi_offset 30, -8
	mov	x29, sp
	bl	abort

Now generates:

	fmov	s1, w0
	scvtf	s1, s1
	fsub	s1, s1, s0
	fcvt	d1, s1
	adrp	x0, .LC0
	ldr	d0, [x0, #:lo12:.LC0]
	fcmpe	d1, d0
	bgt	.L9
	stp	x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 29, -16
	.cfi_offset 30, -8
	mov	x29, sp
	bl	abort

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