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[Ada] Volatile component not treated as such

This patch corrects an issue where attributes applied to records were not
propagated to components within the records - causing incorrect code to be
generated by the backend. Additionally, this ticket fixes another issue with
pragma Volatile_Full_Access that allowed the attribute to be applied to a type
with aliased components.

-- Source --


with System; use System;

package P is
   type Int8_t is mod 2**8;
   type Rec is record
     A,B,C,D : aliased Int8_t;
   end record;
   type VFA_Rec is new Rec with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   R : Rec with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   type Arr is array (1 .. 4) of aliased Int8_t;
   type VFA_Arr is new Arr with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   A : Arr with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   type Priv_VFA_Rec is private
     with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   type Priv_Ind_Rec is private
     with Independent; --  ERROR

   type Priv_Vol_Rec is private
     with Volatile; --  ERROR

   type Priv_Atomic_Rec is private
     with Atomic; --  ERROR

   type Aliased_Rec is tagged  record
      X : aliased Integer;
   end record with Volatile_Full_Access; --  OK

   type Atomic_And_VFA_Int is new Integer
     with Atomic, Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   type Atomic_And_VFA_Rec is record
      X : Integer with Atomic;
   end record with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   type Atomic_T is tagged record
      X : Integer with Atomic; --  OK
   end record;

   type Atomic_And_VFA_T is new Atomic_T with record
      Y : Integer;
   end record with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   type Aliased_And_VFA_T is new Aliased_Rec with record
      Y : Integer;
   end record with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR

   Aliased_And_VFA_Obj   : aliased Integer with Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR
   Atomic_And_VFA_Obj    : Integer with Atomic, Volatile_Full_Access; --  ERROR
   Aliased_And_VFA_Obj_B : Aliased_Rec with Volatile_Full_Access;     --  ERROR
   Atomic_And_VFA_Obj_B  : Atomic_T with Volatile_Full_Access;        --  ERROR

   type Priv_VFA_Rec is record
      X : Integer;
   end record;

   type Priv_Ind_Rec is record
      X : Integer;
   end record;

   type Priv_Vol_Rec is record
      X : Integer;
   end record;

   type Priv_Atomic_Rec is record
      X : Integer;
   end record;

--  p2.adb

with System;

procedure P2 is

   type Type1_T is record
      Field_1 : Integer;
      Field_2 : Integer;
      Field_3 : Integer;
      Field_4 : Short_Integer;
   end record;

   for Type1_T use record
      Field_1 at 0 range 0 .. 31;
      Field_2 at 4 range 0 .. 31;
      Field_3 at 8 range 0 .. 31;
      Field_4 at 12 range 0 .. 15;
   end record;
   for Type1_T'Size use (14) * System.Storage_Unit;
   pragma Volatile(Type1_T);

   type Type2_T is record
      Type1   : Type1_T;
      Field_1 : Integer;
      Field_2 : Integer;
      Field_3 : Integer;
      Field_4 : Short_Integer;
   end record;

   for Type2_T use record
      Type1   at 0 range 0 .. 111;
      Field_1 at 14 range 0 .. 31;
      Field_2 at 18 range 0 .. 31;
      Field_3 at 22 range 0 .. 31;
      Field_4 at 26 range 0 .. 15;
   end record;
   for Type2_T'Size use (28) * System.Storage_Unit;
   pragma Volatile(Type2_T); --  ERROR

   Type1 : Type1_T := (0,0,0,0);

   Type2 : Type2_T:= ((0,0,0,0),0,0,0,0);
   Type1.Field_1 :=  Type1.Field_1 +1;

   Type2.Field_1 := Type2.Field_1 +1;

-- Compilation and output --

& gcc -c
& gnatmake -q p2.adb cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) representation item must be after full type declaration representation item must be after full type declaration representation item must be after full type declaration representation item must be after full type declaration cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) cannot have Volatile_Full_Access and Atomic for same entity cannot have Volatile_Full_Access and Atomic for same entity cannot have Volatile_Full_Access and Atomic for same entity cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) cannot have Volatile_Full_Access and Atomic for same entity cannot apply Volatile_Full_Access (aliased component present) cannot have Volatile_Full_Access and Atomic for same entity
p2.adb:30:31: size of volatile field "Type1" must be at least 128 bits
p2.adb:31:27: position of volatile field "Field_1" must be multiple of 32 bits
p2.adb:32:27: position of volatile field "Field_2" must be multiple of 32 bits
p2.adb:33:27: position of volatile field "Field_3" must be multiple of 32 bits
p2.adb:36:30: size for "Type2_T" too small, minimum allowed is 448
gnatmake: "p2.adb" compilation error

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-09-06  Justin Squirek  <>

	* sem_prag.adb (Check_VFA_Conflicts): Created
	to group all Volatile_Full_Access checks relating to other
	representation pragmas (Mark_Component_Or_Object): Created
	to centeralize the flagging of attributes for the record type
	component case, a pragma applied individually to a component, and
	the object case.
	Add propagation of certain pragmas to record components and move
	evaluation of VFA checks

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