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Re: Patch for [Bug fortran/81841] [5/6/7/8 Regression] THREADPRIVATE (OpenMP) wrongly rejected in BLOCK DATA

> If you really need a testcase, it would be enough to do something like:
>   use omp_lib
>   !$omp parallel num_threads(2)
>   int2 = omp_get_thread_num ()
>   !$omp barrier
>   if (int2 != omp_get_thread_num ()) call abort
>   !$omp end parallel
> or so to ensure it has the threadprivate property by writing something
> different to it in each thread and after barrier verifying it has the
> expected value in each thread.
I'm more than fine with the short compile-only testcase. I pretty sure
my largish runtime test doesn't get near covering all relevant aspects
of the THREADPRIVATE directive for common blocks. Also, the fix is for
this reject-valid parsing error, so not really to do with anything else,
so perhaps shouldn't test anything else?


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