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Who broke options.h?

Someone (other than Richard who seems to have fixed his
bootstrap issue) in the last 3 days has broken bootstrap
on FreeBSD.  The generated file gcc/options.h contains
code of the form

  OPT_C = 116,                               /* -C */
  OPT_CC = 117,                              /* -CC */
  OPT_c = 118,                               /* -c */
  OPT_C = 119,                               /* -C */
  OPT_coverage = 120,                        /* -coverage */
  OPT_cpp_ = 121,                            /* -cpp= */
  OPT_cpp = 122,                             /* -cpp */
  OPT_d = 123,                               /* -d */
  OPT_D = 124,                               /* -D */
  OPT_d = 125,                               /* -d */
  OPT_defsym_ = 126,                         /* -defsym= */
  OPT_defsym = 127,                          /* -defsym */
  OPT_d = 128,                               /* -d */
  OPT_D = 129,                               /* -D */

The sudden dumping ground of everyone's pet project into
trunk after the new branch has been created is making it 
impossible to bisect this issue.


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