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Re: [PATCH] Fix declaration of pthread-structs in

On 31/10/15 16:47, Jan Sommer wrote:

This patch changes the Ada-declaration of the pthread-related structs such as pthread_attr_t from a field-equivalent declaration to just reserving the right amount of memory.
It is only rtems related and essentially copies the way how the types are defined in It makes the declarations independent of a particular newlib-version and fixes the bug I filed here:


     -- Signals --
@@ -448,6 +450,7 @@ package System.OS_Interface is
        ss_low_priority     : int;
        ss_replenish_period : timespec;
        ss_initial_budget   : timespec;
+      sched_ss_max_repl   : int;
     end record;
     pragma Convention (C, struct_sched_param);

Why is this structure not changed to an opaque size + alignment type like the other structures?

@@ -621,43 +624,34 @@ private
     end record;
     pragma Convention (C, timespec);
- CLOCK_REALTIME : constant clockid_t := 1;
-   CLOCK_MONOTONIC : constant clockid_t := 4;
+   CLOCK_REALTIME :  constant clockid_t := System.OS_Constants.CLOCK_REALTIME;
+   CLOCK_MONOTONIC : constant clockid_t := System.OS_Constants.CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
+   subtype char_array is Interfaces.C.char_array;
type pthread_attr_t is record
-      is_initialized  : int;
-      stackaddr       : System.Address;
-      stacksize       : int;
-      contentionscope : int;
-      inheritsched    : int;
-      schedpolicy     : int;
-      schedparam      : struct_sched_param;
-      cputime_clocked_allowed : int;
-      detatchstate    : int;
+      Data : char_array (1 .. OS_Constants.PTHREAD_ATTR_SIZE);
     end record;
     pragma Convention (C, pthread_attr_t);
+   for pthread_attr_t'Alignment use Interfaces.C.unsigned_long'Alignment;
type pthread_condattr_t is record
-      flags           : int;
-      process_shared  : int;
+      Data : char_array (1 .. OS_Constants.PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SIZE);
     end record;
     pragma Convention (C, pthread_condattr_t);
+   for pthread_condattr_t'Alignment use'Alignment;
type pthread_mutexattr_t is record
-      is_initialized  : int;
-      process_shared  : int;
-      prio_ceiling    : int;
-      protocol        : int;
-      mutex_type      : int;
-      recursive       : int;
-   end record;
+      Data : char_array (1 .. OS_Constants.PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_SIZE);
+   end  record;
     pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutexattr_t);
+   for pthread_mutexattr_t'Alignment use'Alignment;

The alignment is sometimes int and sometimes unsigned long. I would change this to long long or double throughout, e.g. if we change the CPU mask type to uint64_t, then the alignment specified here is no longer correct.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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