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Re: [PATCH], PowerPC IEEE 128-bit patch #4

On Wed, 29 Jul 2015, Michael Meissner wrote:

>   #6	Add support for using different names for the 64/128-bit integer
> 	conversion to IBM extended double, to allow a future version to
> 	switch the default for what long double is. It is not expected that GCC
> 	6.x will make this switch, but we would like to eventually use the
> 	standard TF names for the library when the default change is made. If
> 	this isn't clear, the following names use 'tf' in them, when they use
> 	IBM extended double:

That would be for a completely separate ABI, incompatible with all 
existing objects both static and shared, since the existing ABI defines 
these names to have their existing meanings?

Joseph S. Myers

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