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Re: [patch] Add <codecvt> and last pieces of C++11 std::lib

On 21/01/15 18:09 +0100, Rainer Orth wrote:
Indeed: before and after this change, Solaris bootstrap is broken.  Now
I get

ld: fatal: libstdc++-symbols.ver-sun: 6153: symbol 'std::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift(__mbstate_t&, char*, char*, char*&) const': symbol version conflict

_ZNKSt7codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE10do_unshiftERS0_PcS3_RS3_ is matched by
_ZNKSt7codecvtID[is]c11__mbstate_t* (glob) in GLIBCXX_3.4.21 and
std::co[^ln]* (cxx) in GLIBCXX_3.4

Sorry about that :-(

The good news is that I now have a tool to find these conflicts for
me. The output related to the above conflict is:

Symbol matches more than one version:
std::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift(__mbstate_t&, char*, char*, char*&) const
 GLIBCXX_3.4        std::co[^ln]* (line 28)
 GLIBCXX_3.4.21     _ZNKSt7codecvtID[is]c11__mbstate_t* (line 1259)

So I'm in the process of fixing these.

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