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Re: [patch] powerpc-vxworksmils port, variant of powerpc-vxworksae

Hi Olivier,

On Thursday 2014-09-18 12:36, Olivier Hainque wrote:
> We have been maintaining a port to VxWorks MILS for powerpc for a while now
> and thought others might be interested.
> VxWorksMILS is very close to VxWorksAE, so the patch is pretty small. The main
> noticeable difference is that only the vthreads environment headers are
> available, so we arrange to build the libgcc variants all with -mvthreads.

this feels a little too small for an announcement on our home
page, but would you mind adding something to gcc-5/changes.html?

(Or suggest some wording for that page and I'll take care.)


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