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Re: OMP builtins in offloading (was: [PATCH 1/4] Add mkoffload for Intel MIC)


On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 04:41:50PM +0100, Thomas Schwinge wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:22:43 +0300, Ilya Verbin <> wrote:

BTW, today when looking at the TARGET_OPTION_NODE streaming caused
regressions, I've discovered that it is very hard to debug issues in the
offloading compiler.  Would be nice if
-save-temps -v
printed enough information that it is actually possible to reproduce it,
e.g. while mkoffload command is printed, one can't cut and paste it easily,
because some env vars are required and those aren't printed in the -v dump.
Similarly, the lto1 offloading compiler invocation is not printed, and
wrapping offloading compiler's lto1 into a script that runs gdb on it
doesn't work, because stdout/stderr (and stdin) is redirected.

This is something that can be solved during stage4, but would be really nice
if it wasn't terribly hard to debug stuff.


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