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Enhance print type in debug mode


I plan to work on new debug diagnostics for which I would like to display the type having a problem so this is a patch to add this kind of parameter.

    Moreover I dealt with demangling to move from this kind of diagnostic:

    error: attempt to access container with out-of-bounds bucket index 1,
    container only holds 1 buckets.

Objects involved in the operation:
sequence "this" @ 0x0x7fff24fe33c0 {
type = NSt7__debug13unordered_mapIiiSt4hashIiESt8equal_toIiESaISt4pairIKiiEEEE;


    error: attempt to access container with out-of-bounds bucket index 1,
    container only holds 1 buckets.

Objects involved in the operation:
sequence "this" @ 0x0x7fff1ee0ef00 {
type = std::__debug::unordered_map<int, int, std::hash<int>, std::equal_to<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, int> > >;

I just want to make sure it is safe and especially portable to use __cxa_demangle and that it is ok to do this now.

2014-12-20  FranÃois Dumont  <>

    * include/debug/formatter.h
    (_Error_formatter::_Parameter::_M_kind): Add __type enum entry.
    (_Error_formatter::_Parameter::_M_variant._M_type): New.
    (_Error_formatter::_Parameter::_M_type<>()): New.
    (_Error_formatter::_Parameter::_M_print_type): New.
    * src/c++11/
    (_Error_formatter::_Parameter::_M_print_field): Use latter.
    Use __cxaabiv1::__cxa_demangle to print demangled type name.


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