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Re: Fwd: [PATCH] Scheduling result adjustment to enable macro-fusion

On Sat, 23 Nov 2013, Wei Mi wrote:
> For the failed testcase, it was compiled using -fmodulo-sched.
> modulo-sched phase set SCHED_GROUP_P of a jump insn to be true, which
> means the jump insn should be scheduled with prev insn as a group.

SMS doesn't set SCHED_GROUP_P by itself; did you mean that SCHED_GROUP_P is
set by dependency analysis code similar to sched2?

> When modulo scheduling is finished, the flag of SCHED_GROUP_P is not
> cleaned up. After that, pass_jump2 phase split the bb and move the
> prev insn to another bb. Then pass_sched2 see the flag and mistakenly
> try to bind the jump insn with a code label.

I think the analysis is incomplete.  Looking at the backtrace posted in the
bug report, the failure path goes through chain_to_prev_insn, which protects
against such failure:

  prev_nonnote = prev_nonnote_nondebug_insn (insn);
  if (BLOCK_FOR_INSN (insn) == BLOCK_FOR_INSN (prev_nonnote)
      && ! sched_insns_conditions_mutex_p (insn, prev_nonnote))
    add_dependence (insn, prev_nonnote, REG_DEP_ANTI);

Why does it end up with a label at the assertion failure point?


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