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[patch, RFC] PR 30146, warning/errors for potentially changing values in DO loops

Hello world,

the attached patch, which is not in its final stage, implements some
warnings for index variables of DO loops. For the following situations,
errors/warnings are issued when an index loop variable is
passed as an actual argument:

- If the dummy argument has INTENT(OUT). I think an error should be
  issued unconditionally.

- If the dummy argument has INTENT(INOUT). My opinion is that
  a warning should be issued unconditionally, but I am open
  to the opinions that an error would be better, or that it should
  depend on an option.

- If the dummy argument has no INTENT, or if the procedure has no
  explicit interface, I think that there should be a warning
  depending on an option (which I haven't yet implemented).

Opinions?  If there is agreement on the question of which options should
select which errors/warnings, then I will submit a final patch including
some more comments, a ChangeLog entry and a deja-gnuified test case.


Index: frontend-passes.c
--- frontend-passes.c	(Revision 192894)
+++ frontend-passes.c	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ static bool optimize_trim (gfc_expr *);
 static bool optimize_lexical_comparison (gfc_expr *);
 static void optimize_minmaxloc (gfc_expr **);
 static bool empty_string (gfc_expr *e);
+static void do_warn (gfc_namespace *);
 /* How deep we are inside an argument list.  */
@@ -76,12 +77,29 @@ static bool in_omp_workshare;
 static int iterator_level;
-/* Entry point - run all passes for a namespace.  So far, only an
-   optimization pass is run.  */
+/* Keep track of DO loop levels.  */
+static gfc_code **do_list;
+static int do_size, do_level;
+/* Vector of gfc_expr * to keep track of DO loops.  */
+struct my_struct *evec;
+/* Entry point - run all passes for a namespace. */
 gfc_run_passes (gfc_namespace *ns)
+  /* Warn about dubious DO loops where the index might
+     change.  */
+  do_size = 20;
+  do_list = XNEWVEC(gfc_code *, do_size);
+  do_warn (ns);
+  XDELETEVEC (do_list);
   if (gfc_option.flag_frontend_optimize)
       expr_size = 20;
@@ -605,6 +623,7 @@ optimize_namespace (gfc_namespace *ns)
   current_ns = ns;
   forall_level = 0;
   iterator_level = 0;
+  do_level = 0;
   in_omp_workshare = false;
   gfc_code_walker (&ns->code, convert_do_while, dummy_expr_callback, NULL);
@@ -1225,6 +1244,157 @@ optimize_minmaxloc (gfc_expr **e)
   mpz_set_ui (a->expr->value.integer, 1);
+static int
+do_code (gfc_code **c, int *walk_subtrees ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+	 void *data ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+  gfc_code *co;
+  int i;
+  gfc_formal_arglist *f;
+  gfc_actual_arglist *a;
+  co = *c;
+  switch (co->op)
+    {
+    case EXEC_DO:
+      if (do_level >= do_size)
+	{
+	  do_size = 2 * do_size;
+	  do_list = XRESIZEVEC (gfc_code *, do_list, do_size);
+	}
+      if (co->ext.iterator && co->ext.iterator->var)
+	do_list[do_level] = co;
+      else
+	do_list[do_level] = NULL;
+      break;
+    case EXEC_CALL:
+      a = co->ext.actual;
+      f = co->symtree->n.sym->formal;
+      while (a)
+	{
+	  for (i=0; i<do_level; i++)
+	    {
+	      if (do_list[i] == NULL)
+		break;
+	      gfc_symbol *do_sym = do_list[i]->ext.iterator->var->symtree->n.sym;
+	      if (a->expr && a->expr->symtree
+		  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym == do_sym)
+		{
+		  if (f)
+		    {
+		      if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_OUT)
+			gfc_error_now("Variable '%s' at %L redefined inside loop "
+				      "beginning at %L as INTENT(OUT) argument to "
+				      "subroutine '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+				      &do_list[i]->loc, co->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		      else if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_INOUT)
+			gfc_warning_now("Variable '%s' at %L may redefined inside loop "
+					"beginning at %L as INTENT(INOUT) argument to "
+					"subroutine '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+					&do_list[i]->loc, co->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		      else if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_UNKNOWN)
+			gfc_warning_now("Variable '%s' at %L may redefined inside loop "
+					"beginning at %L as argument to "
+					"subroutine '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+					&do_list[i]->loc, co->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		    }
+		  else
+		    gfc_warning_now("Variable '%s' at %L may redefined inside loop "
+				    "beginning at %L as argument to "
+				    "subroutine '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+				    &do_list[i]->loc, co->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		}
+	    }
+	  a = a->next;
+	  if (f)
+	    f = f->next;
+	}
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static int
+do_function (gfc_expr **e, int *walk_subtrees ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+	     void *data ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+  gfc_formal_arglist *f;
+  gfc_actual_arglist *a;
+  gfc_expr *expr;
+  int i;
+  expr = *e;
+  if (expr->expr_type != EXPR_FUNCTION)
+    return 0;
+  /* Intrinsic functions don't modify their arguments.  */
+  if (expr->value.function.isym)
+    return 0;
+  a = expr->value.function.actual;
+  f = expr->symtree->n.sym->formal;
+  while (a)
+    {
+      for (i=0; i<do_level; i++)
+	{
+	  if (do_list[i] == NULL)
+	    break;
+	  gfc_symbol *do_sym = do_list[i]->ext.iterator->var->symtree->n.sym;
+	  if (a->expr && a->expr->symtree
+	      && a->expr->symtree->n.sym == do_sym)
+	    {
+	      if (f)
+		{
+		  if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_OUT)
+		    gfc_error_now("Variable '%s' at %L redefined inside loop "
+				  "beginning at %L as INTENT(OUT) argument to "
+				  "function '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+				  &do_list[i]->loc, expr->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		  else if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_INOUT)
+		    gfc_warning_now("Variable '%s' at %L may redefined inside loop "
+				    "beginning at %L as INTENT(INOUT) argument to "
+				    "function '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+				    &do_list[i]->loc, expr->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		  else if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_UNKNOWN)
+		    gfc_warning_now("Variable '%s' at %L may redefined inside loop "
+				    "beginning at %L as argument to "
+				    "function '%s'", do_sym->name, &a->expr->where,
+				    &do_list[i]->loc, expr->symtree->n.sym->name);
+		}
+	      else
+		gfc_warning_now("Variable '%s' at %L may redefined inside loop "
+				"beginning at %L as argument to "
+				"function '%s'", do_sym->name,
+				&expr->where, &do_list[i]->loc, expr->symtree->n.sym->name);
+	    }
+	}
+      a = a->next;
+      if (f)
+	f = f->next;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static void
+do_warn (gfc_namespace *ns)
+  gfc_code_walker (&ns->code, do_code, do_function, NULL);
   do							\
     {							\
@@ -1383,6 +1553,7 @@ gfc_code_walker (gfc_code **c, walk_code_fn_t code
 	    case EXEC_DO:
+	      do_level ++;
 	      WALK_SUBEXPR (co->ext.iterator->var);
 	      WALK_SUBEXPR (co->ext.iterator->start);
 	      WALK_SUBEXPR (co->ext.iterator->end);
@@ -1601,6 +1772,9 @@ gfc_code_walker (gfc_code **c, walk_code_fn_t code
 	  if (co->op == EXEC_FORALL)
 	    forall_level --;
+	  if (co->op == EXEC_DO)
+	    do_level --;
 	  in_omp_workshare = saved_in_omp_workshare;
module foo
  implicit none
  subroutine bar(i)
    integer, intent(out) :: i
  end subroutine bar
  subroutine baz(i)
    integer, intent(inout) :: i
  end subroutine baz
  subroutine bax(i)
    integer :: i
  end subroutine bax
  function froo(i, j, k)
    integer, intent(out) :: i
    integer, intent(inout) :: j
    integer :: k
    integer :: froo
  end function froo
end module foo

program main
  use foo
  implicit none
  integer :: i,j, k
  do k=1,2
     do i=1,10
        do j=1,10
           call bar(i)
           call baz(j)
           call bax(i)
           call bux(i)
           print *,froo(i, j, k)
           read (*,*) i
        end do
     end do
  end do
end program main

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