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RE: [PATCH H8300] Add function_vector attribute

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for replying to the post.

>> How is this different than the function vector support that is 
>> already in GCC for the H8/300 series processors?

Current H8/300 implementation of function vector seems inappropriate. 
This patch fixes following problems from it.

1. Attribute syntax:
The function vector attribute is expected to accept one argument i.e. 
vector number. 


However, with H8/300 target, it does not accept any argument and test case compilation fails with an error message:
error: wrong number of arguments specified for function_vector attribute

This patch fixes this problem.

2. Addressing mode support:
Currently, even for function vectors, GCC generates instruction 'jsr' 
in absolute addressing mode which is incorrect. Instead of that, it should be generating 'jsr' in indirect memory addressing mode (@@aa:8).

This patch fixes this problem as well.

Thanks & Regards,
Ajinkya Dhobale
KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd,
Pune (INDIA)

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