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Re: Fwd: Floating Point as Hex Patch

On 01/29/2011 01:29 AM, Martin York wrote:
> Description:
> libstdc++ does not conform to the C++ (draft) standard n3225
Really?!? ;-)

Seriously, for sure we are still missing this new feature, you are
right, but we are not pretending we are anywhere in the docs. That said,
before going ahead with this work for 4.7.0 - not for 4.6.0, it's too
late -  I have to ask you if you have already a Copyright assignment on
file, which is a requirement for such type of non-trivial contribution
( Then, you should double check
that: 1- We are still implementing the C++03 specs when no -std=c++0x
(or gnu++0x) is passed on the command line and 2- that we are not
breaking the binary compatibility anyway (in the extended sense we
usually require, that is not just in terms of exported symbols but also
in terms of interoperability between *.o built with pre- and post- patch
headers). Then there are more details, but it's early for those.

Thanks for your kind offer of help!

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