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Re: (Re)allocation of allocatable arrays on assignment - F2003

On 11/04/2010 03:19 PM, Dominique Dhumieres wrote:
First the good news:
(1) the last patch woke up one bug of my collection (pr28849)
with another bound problem:

[macbook] f90/bug% cat pr28849_db.f90
   print *, "...and with wrong shape (should fail with bounds checking on)"
   a(:,:) = reshape (v(:), (/ 2, 1 /) )
   b(:,:) = reshape (v(:), (/ 1, 2 /) )

Without bound checks (and realloc-lhs) I get the same result as with ifort and crayftn. However, for the last line shown above (line 20) I get with gfortran a segfault which valgrind diagnoses as:

==25067== Invalid write of size 4
==25067==    at 0x40188D: MAIN__ (pr28849_db.f90:20)

So either a is relocated as a(2,1) (b as b(1,2)) and the bounds
are inconsistent, or it is not and there should be a run time
error as when compiled with -std=f95.

I think the program is valid Fortran 2003 and thus no bound check error should be printed. Despite ifort and crayftn showing the same bounds, I think you are right that the bounds are wrong.

Some other results:

a) I immediately get a segfault if I comments out the allocate statement.

b) If I comment out the first part of the example ("correct bounds", i.e. not reallocation), I get the result:

 ...and with wrong shape (should fail with bounds checking on)
 a(:,1) =   1.0000000
           1           1           1           2
 b(:,1) =   1.0000000     -1.33410292E-32
           1           1           2           1

Note the uninitialized value for b(2,1).


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