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On Wed, 13 Oct 2010, Nathan Froyd wrote:

> But your point about this being a public API raises an interesting
> question: what to do about those macros which are legitimately used in
> both the compiler and libgcc?  (Examples include HAS_INIT_SECTION,
> EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME, and CLEAR_CACHE.)  I don't think anybody would be
> happy with duplicate definitions in libgcc/config and gcc/config.  Is it
> legitimate to define macros for such target macros to effectively
> transfer information from the compiler to runtime libraries, or is there
> a better way?

If you don't think a particular predefined macro would ever be of use to 
user code, and so don't want defining that macro added to startup cost for 
compiling user code, there is always the option of a -fbuilding-libgcc or 
similar option to cause such macros to be defined.

Joseph S. Myers

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